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Best Ways to List Hobbies and Interests on a CV

writing hobby on cv

Everyone who has ever looked for a job was wondering how to put himself in the positive light. The possibility of being remembered by a future employer is enhanced with the proper use of the column of interests on the CV.

Do you know that there is a difference between the hobbies that will make a positive impression about you and those that will negatively affect your CV?

Do You Need to Include Interests on a CV?

Answering this question, the specifics of your work will be a fundamental factor. Most likely the employees of creative specialties will need the column of interests. But here is the trick: there is a trend among international companies to pay considerable attention to the identity of a potential employee. And this trend quickly spreads through other companies.

Probably nothing can tell your employer about your personality better than your hobbies and interests on a CV. Unfortunately, if you do not know special tips, this column can become a double-edged sword. Well, you can avoid all common mistakes if you read through this article.

In case you doubt whether you are capable of making a perfect resume, you can always use special services with professional CV Writers.

What Is the Best Hobbies and Interests to Put on a CV?

At first, try to try what this or that hobby will say about you. Let’s practice:

  • Chess player – thoughtful, capable of an analytical thinking person;
  • Board games lover – sociable strategist;
  • Blogger – socially active person;
  • Fisherman – a person who loves silence, tranquility and peace.

You need to understand that all personal interests in CV characterize you in one way or another. Look through your list of interests and choose those which suit your work best.

Hobbies and Interests on a CV

However, there are are some universal bad examples of interests in CV for people of any profession:

  • It would not be the best decision to mention membership in organizations related to politics;
  • Try to avoid listing controversial issues(advocating for the legalization of weapons, campaigning for a ban on abortion, etc.);
  • Do not mention a hobby that can be evaluated as too extraordinary and could simply scare away your employer (knives throwing, fire show participant, etc.).

The personal qualities which you want to reinforce with your hobbies should overlap with information that is written in your cover letter for CV. You need to plan everything in advance or entrust it to proven experts.

There also are the tips of good interests to put on a CV:

  • Activities related to social work or charity will put your best foot forward (for example Volunteering at a camp for children; Participating in a marathon in support of a healthy lifestyle). These types of hobbies will positively characterize you for any employer;
  • While searching for interests to put on CV, keep in mind the fact that hobbies, which require leadership qualities are always the right choice;
  • Membership in a group or association will be a good bonus on your CV;
  • Blogging on a separate site or on social networks will be a plus for your potential employer;
  • List only those interests and hobbies on a CV which are relevant to your future work. You may be a really good dancer, but if you will be an office worker a hobby connected with patience and attentiveness would suit for your resume much more.

What matters is not only what your interests are, but also how you put them on your CV. Of great importance is also the order of placement of columns. The interests and hobbies column should be mentioned last because anyway, each employer is more interested in your professional skills than in personal qualities.

List Hobbies and Interests on a CV

In these interests on CV examples, you may notice that the material feed is different. It is better to highlight the interests by using a list or separate frames. This form is more convenient for perception.

Column name may also differ. It is usually named as “additional activities”, “area of interests” or even “other information”.

By using these tips you can create a CV suitable for any job. Another available option is to use professional writers’ help, which may not only create your CV but also complement it with additional service such as references on a CV. It can greatly enhance the status of your resume.

No matter which way you will choose with interests to put on a CV, you should keep in mind that they have to be relevant to your future job.

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