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How to Create an Efficient Academic CV

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Photo Credit: Pixabay

The more graduates enter the business world every year, the more competitive it gets. However, among the aspiring employees, there are those who have the advantage over the others. Those who know how to write an effective academic CV will surely get the interview offer.

What is an Academic CV?

The first thing to know about academic CV is that it has its special features. Apart from the traditional information that is put in the regular CV, the academic CV focuses on presenting the research, achievements, and publications you were able to conduct in process of studying. If being awarded the funding, mention that in the academic CV as well.

Specific Aspects

How to write an academic CV that will reflect the skills in the best possible way? How to write about your achievements and make the hirer interested? Academics more than anybody know how important the planning and organization is. The same method applies to the academic CV writing. The step-by-step system of writing an academic CV, which a CV writing company UK always puts to use, usually depends on the following:

  1. The layout (i.e. length, structure, and formatting);
  2. Tailoring the CV according to the job requirements;
  3. The word choice (including the Keywords);
  4. The relevance of the information you input.

Keep Within the Limits

The academic CV is allowed to be longer than the regular CV, like a student CV for example. However, brevity is also encouraged. Try to describe the relevant information for no more than four pages. Different format of the resume is expected in various companies and countries, for that matter. So, research on the subject will be in order.

Tailor the CV

Hiring managers always look for the evidence of your ability to perform the tasks. It is better to study the requirements of the job posting in order to include the necessary skills and achievements in the document.

Conducting the research of the target job will also be helpful when distinguishing your achievements and research interests.  Find out what of your research materials will be needed for the job. The job may present a chance for your supplement to their research with the knowledge of your expertise.

Use Appropriate Language

When writing the academic CV for PhD applicants tend to overload the documents with a huge amount of technical jargon. Be short and precise about your qualifications, research, publications.

Stick To the Order

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Photo Credit: Pixabay

Reverse chronological order serves best to the objective of the academic CV. The coverage of publications, research experience, and education written in this order is the cornerstone of success.

Chronological order is applied to the layout of:

  • Publications. Publications description requires information about the articles, books (chapters of books), reports, and patents.
  • Education. The part of the academic CV PhD describing education is one of the most important. It is best described with effect from higher education. Awards and scholarships are included as well. If needed, mention the name of the doctoral supervisor and the funding body.
  • Funding. Funding is best described by facts and numbers. In case you were awarded for research projects highlight the amount of money provided. Make reference to the attended meetings and conferences.

Describe Experience

  • Research experience. Research experience should be backed up by the skills. Apart from the skills that you have applied while conducting research include the ones that are necessary for every job description, i.e. communication and management skills. Technical expertise supported by the IT skills will look much better in the CV.
  • Teaching experience. The right description of the teaching experience consists of the work while lecturing, supervising and demonstrating. Indicate the work conducted with the curriculum development, education process management, and assessment methods.
  • Administrative experience. The outline of the administrative experience can serve a great confirmation of your skills. Use this part to write about how you applied the skills while assuming various duties and responsibility.

Mention Interests

Whereas your personal interests have to relevance to the academic CV for Ph.D. application, your professional development interests must be carefully depicted. Write about the conferences and seminars attended. The courses and training you took will also serve as your credentials’ validation. That rule implies to all the former students and recent graduates, who do not have enough experience but can include all the relevant information in the graduate CV.

Ask For Assistance

If necessary, include the references in the CV. Remember that at least two of them must be academic and be valid.

Finally, do not neglect the opportunity to ask the others to read your CV. That will be a double check for any spelling or grammar errors. If it is possible, resort to career advisors, mentors, and even colleagues for help and make sure your CV matches the job description.

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