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CV Personal Statement Writing Rules

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Photo Credit: Pixabay

Did you know that a recruiter should spend about 6 seconds (± 1 second) on viewing one resume on average? This means that in those 6 seconds the recruiter will quickly scan through your CV in order to find the key-words that will prove your credentials. How can you possibly highlight your skills in just 6 seconds?

Writing a good personal statement for CV has become a modern and, by far, the most effective way to hold the employer’s attention a little longer.

If you have been lucky enough and the ATS software has brought your CV up to the hiring manager, your personal statement on CV will determine whether your experience matches what the company is after.

What Information Should Go In the Personal Statement

  • When writing a personal statement for a CV you prepare for an actual interview. That’s why it is essential to make up a list of five most significant skills you have. Include it in the personal statement and be ready to elaborate on these professional qualities before the interviewer.
  • If you wonder how to write a personal statement for a CV don’t be afraid to ask for help. You can turn to professional CV writers or, provided you have a good relationship with your previous co-workers or employers, ask them to help you define the strengths and achievements you can offer the future boss.
  • A CV, which is furnished with a personal statement, sounds more promising and persuasive. Don’t give up on the training or refreshing courses you took to benefit your professional development. Include any skills and track records you have made in your department you feel are relevant to the job description.
  • Recruiters value honestly, so avoid the risk of sounding over-qualified and don’t sugarcoat your resume with too much performance skills.

So, how to write a personal statement for CV?

checklist with cleared items

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Be sure to:

  • Make it short. The CV personal statement should include an overview of the personal qualities you have. A few short sentences that will make from 30 to 60 worlds of your personal statement must be enough to describe the relevant skills that can be applied to the position.The personal statement for CV must hold a layout of your area of expertise and the appropriate experience.
  • Set the appropriate tone. When writing a cv personal statement and choose the words carefully to get in good with the hiring manager.
  • Indicate the areas of your expertise. If you are writing a sales assistant CV, for example, focus on how you can better the working process and push up the sales.
  • Point out the key skills that are sought for in the job description. What makes you stand out from the other applicants?
  • Enclose only the information concerning the job title you are after. Tailor the CV to the job description.
  • Use positive language. Include the power words that will justify your skills and responsibilities.


  • Confine yourself to one personality or one professional description. There may be more than one position available at the company for you. Your targeted job may hold more duties that you have the skills for and the employer will give you the chance to learn the trick and trade on the job.
  • Describe your personal information here. There is a definite place in the CV where the details of your address, age and work history must go.
  • Cross the line. Stick to the professional tone.
  • Include any negative information in this part of the CV. Don’t talk about your weaknesses or flaws.

If writing a winning personal statement means selling yourself, the marketers will be probably the most successful with this task. However, when following the tips above you will also be able to build up a good resume and include that ‘elevator pitch’ to hook the hirer’s interest.

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