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Sales Assistant CV Writing Guide

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Photo Credit: Pixabay

Writing a CV for sales assistant might be not that difficult. However, writing the document that will win you an interview and will have the edge over other applicants might be as challenging as a successful career in sales.

It takes knowing how to structure a sales assistant CV to fit the requirements of the hiring company or how to write a summary statement to dazzle the future employer.

Being newcomers to the field or changing careers, the sales representatives CV writers often fault in composing the CV accurately. These are the mistakes that made the top list and tips to avoid them.

Failing to Include Personal Information

Obvious as it is, some job seekers tend to give the structure of the CV little attention. They sometimes forget to include the full name, phone number and e-mail address. Be sure your sales CV leaves enough information to contact you.

Not Including the Personal Statement

Some job candidates allow their skills and working experience speak for themselves. However, writing a powerful summary has become a trend of modern CV writing. This is a moment when you can address the hirer directly before the actual interview – do not forget about this tips if you are working on your career change CV. Describe your proudest achievements and tell about aspirations for the HR manager to be interested.

Confusing the Dates of The Educational Degrees

When applying for the job of sales manager CV must give a clear image of the skills you have obtained, qualifications and training you have had. This rule implies to all the CV types, especially if you are a recent or future graduate and working on your student CV. Specify the dates of the graduation and courses completion starting with the most recent one.

Writing Too Much or Too Little About Past Performance

The hirer will clearly not be interested to read about what you did ten jobs ago. On the other hand, you are free to enclose any job description that justifies your skills and highlights your achievements. If you are in the running for a sales executive CV must elaborate how you applied your skills in the previous workplace and how you improved the work of the department.

For those, who write sales assistant CV no experience worked through and need help with CV writing it is recommended to include the description of voluntary work or even part-time jobs at the local groceries.

Focusing on the Activities Rather Than Results

winning places and cups

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Employers are more impressed by the actual numbers and facts. They need to see the tangible that you made in the previous company to assess your credibility and potential. It could be the winning of some award or having raised the sales level twice that will trigger their interest in hiring you. Provided you were appointed as a sales advisor CV must mention that.

Not Including Power Words When Enlisting the Skills

The goal is not to overuse the keywords as well. Show off the skills that you have gained during both past performance and education process. The skills implied should be relevant to the position you apply for. Transferrable skills, that have been gained while taking refreshment courses or training, can also improve your chances of getting the job.

For instance, the sales representative CV must show that you will do the job to a high standard. Include the skills of communication, negotiation, persuasion, and customer-service.

Not Mentioning Hobbies and Interests

Most job seekers neglect this section of the CV as it doesn’t reflect their professional potential. However, this part of the CV can bring you closer to the prospective employer. It would only benefit if you include the interest in self-education by attending seminars on generational marketing or raising the effectiveness of sales in the department stores.

Putting Too Much Gloss

As much as you want to make an impression keep it real. When drawing up a CV sales assistant must keep the facts real. HR managers can easily check your professional background or seek confirmation of your credentials at the last place of employment.

Finally, whatever techniques or methods of writing the CV you’ll choose always be sure to proofread. Lack of common knowledge of spelling or grammar only show the deficiency of professionalism and drive the hirer away.

When reading the finished CV ask yourself whether you would hire a salesperson like you and pay the requested salary. Whatever type of sales experience you have, learn to sell your skills and qualifications.

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