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Estate Agent CV: Tips and Things To Avoid

estate agent cv writing

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Home sales are constantly rising and falling and there’s plenty of work for the professional estate agents. How to get into the industry and have your piece of cake? First of all, you need to have the great negotiation, selling and communication skills along with ambition and charisma. If you struggle to promote those skills in your CV,  here are the dos and don’ts of the estate agent CV that professional CV editing services put to use.

Don’t Write the Career Objectives in Estate Agent CV

If you do the Skills part right, the hiring manager should be well aware of what objectives you want to reach on the job. However, the hirer doesn’t know what level of competence you have and why he should hire you for the job. Reflect this information in the Professional Profile. This part will quickly determine whether the headhunter will be interested in reading the whole CV.

Use Full Potential of Professional Profile Section

The first line of the Professional Profile should attract the hirer with the very reason why you are qualified for the job. For example: “Dynamic and reliable Mortgage Broker with 9 years of retail banking, customer service, and consulting experience.”

This will assure the hirer that you’ve got valuable experience and this is not a trainee estate agent CV.

Next, add some of your hard skills in the description. The CV for estate agent should also imply some of the complementary, transferable skills. If possible show some numbers to impress the hirer:

“Reduced fulfillment costs by 26%and printing costs by 12% through process streamlining and renegotiation of provider contracts.”

Add More Numbers

The feature that will reflect your expertize best is how you can close deals. It shows how much money you can bring, which is crucial to the company.

For example, phrases like this one should go on the Professional Experience Section:

“Implement strategic goals for marketing campaigns with billings in the range of $1M to $3M.”

The number allows seeing how big the candidate’s abilities are and assess his standard of professionalism. If you are working on the retail CV, this tip won’t hurt your document.

Using numbers goes a long way. The above example shows the topmost skills of communicating with clients:

“Assisted customers in timely fashion with an average of 14.0 calls per hour”

Validate Your Skills with Facts

Avoid such cliché skill as Leader. Instead prove your leading roles with a performance fact:

“Served as project manager, leading a team of 20 creative and technical staff.”

Use Keywords in the CV

It goes without saying that only custom-tailored CVs get the hirers attention. You could send out your CV to various job openings. However, study the job specification closely in order to profit by keywords. Moreover, the usage of the right keywords in the CV will definitely get it through the ATS checker. Be sure to justify your skills with factual information.

Show Off Your Achievements

Nothing shows more competence than your achievements. State the licenses and levels you’ve got in order to demonstrate professional manner:

–    Real Estate License: State of Nevada 2006;

–    Received promotion within one year of service.

Exploit the Additional Skills Section

Since real estate agents have to assume many roles, you can take advantage of your additional skills. Don’t forget to mention membership of organizations and clubs in the Interests section, as long as it is relevant to the targeted job description:

–    Certification Program (Internet Professional);

–    National Association of Realtors E-Pro Technology.

Never forget to refresh your skills. Attend career and professional development courses. Don’t hesitate to use outside help. Study the estate agent CV examples online for the format requirements and inspiration. Life coaches, career advisors, even CV writing agencies will provide with enough advice and industry insight to put you on the right track.

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