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Getting Back into Work After Long Term Unemployment

Work After Long Term Unemployment

Getting back into work after long term unemployment may seem to be a challenging task. You might have different reasons to get a break. Raising a family, being unwell, thinking about a new career. A job search after a long break is always a little stressful. However, if you apply effective steps, you can get hired again possible. Here, we are going to talk about how to get back into work after an extended period of unemployment quickly and easily.

Get Prepared for a New Job

You may feel not comfortable because of being unemployed for quite a while. You may also experience a lack of confidence, excitement, and fear. We are here to help you. You might probably need to update your skills to take up a new job. It is quite a common mistake to think that developing new skills not possible 4 people who have been unemployed for a long period of time.

There is a huge amount of free courses available online. You can check out such platforms as Coursera, LearnDash and other. Obtaining new and additional skills opens wide opportunities for job seekers. Another benefit is that after completing a course you get a certificate. Most of the employers appreciate such dedication. If you are headed at developing yourself and your career, your motivation can make wonders.

You might also need to adopt work-friendly habits after a long time of being unemployed. When you get a new job, you need to get used to a tough schedule. It may require changing your life and habits which sometimes is a little shocking. Now, you will need to have regular meals, go to sleep and wake up early and so on.

Take up Some Temporary Work

One more tip on how to get back into work after long term unemployment is by finding a part-time or temporary job. A temporary position is a good way to get into a permanent job. Working on a temporary position may also be helpful in developing useful working habits. Besides, a temporary job is a great source for gaining new experiences. Remember to include your temporary jobs on your resume which can make you a good candidate to a potential employer.

Doing some volunteering work after long term unemployment is another way to get back into work. Don’t worry about doing voluntary work for free. In any case, it can be a good way to fight fatigue, unenthusiasm and get motivated for returning to the world of work. This way, you can show that you are strongly committed to working in difficult working conditions.

Build a Network of Contacts

If you are not going to change an industry you have been working in, a great idea is to keep in touch with contacts from your previous jobs. This will help to stay up to date with what is happening in your industry. If you have someone you got on well with, you can meet with them for a chat. Not only will you know all the latest news potentially get a new job. don’t give up communication with old friends from a previous job. They may help you to find a vacancy in another company. Besides, they can help you stay motivated and encourage in looking for a good job, going through an interview and so on.

Making friends at a new company is a good way of getting back into work. It can take some time to get to know your coworkers but it is worth the effort. Having a coworker who can answer your questions makes getting back into work a little easier. While you may be afraid to ask the simplest questions, it is easier to ask someone then try to solve the problem alone. Having coffee from time to time with some of your colleagues may help to fight anxiety of working on a new position.

Be Honest

Many employees are afraid to be sincere with employers when talking about being unemployed for a long period of time. You can give a hint to a recruiter about your situation in a job interview or in a cover letter. Explain your career gap in a few sentences honestly to make an employer to give you a second chance. If you need someone to write a good cover letter or CV for you, you can ask for help from an online resume writing service.

In any case, don’t pretend that you got tons of non-existing experience. You may feel insecure because of a long period of unemployment but try to enrich your skill set. Stay calm and give yourself a chance to start everything from beginning one more time. Telling the truth gives you a right to ask a lot of questions, learn new things without fear of being fired.

Don’t Give Up

One more tip on how to get back into work after a career break is to stay positive. You might get discouraged during a long job search, but you still need to look after yourself, care about your health, mood and many more. It may take you quite a while to find a good position.

Another problem you may be facing is a lack of positions you find appealing. Once, you find it, don’t beat yourself up if don’t keep up with other workers, fail conducting task successfully and so on. Remember that there are many jobs out there and some you will definitely find a job. So, just keep going!

To make it easier, register on various websites for job seekers and create a LinkedIn profile. If you need some help in making it appealing to the employer, ask LinkedIn Profile Writers to give a hand with this task. Getting back into work after a long period of unemployment can be a daunting task, but keep your mind open to changes in your life.

Take Care of Yourself

It is also important to eat well, stay motivated, stay in touch with friends and family and enjoy your life. As experience shows, new employees may get really tired during the first weeks of their new job. A body needs to get adjusted to a new working schedule. Your mind needs to learn a lot of new things. Make sure you get enough sleep and rest. You will probably need to slow down your social activity to the minimum for a while.

Set a Goal

Once, you start a career from scratch one more time, set realistic goals to achieve success in a new position. Remember that it is okay not to know everything, especially if you are a new person in the company. If you are not sure, try to find a part-time job. After you get some insight into the way things go at your work, you can set some goals for yourself. Feel fine if you cannot learn it all in the first week. Feel enthusiastic about your future and give yourself some time to observe a new environment.


Hope our tips on how to get back into work after long term unemployment were helpful. Remember that whatever your new job requirements are, you can always ask for help to adjust to your new circumstances. If you have some questions, you can share your experience in the comments section below.

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