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How to Write Personal Profile for CV In 2018

writing personal profile for cv

Photo Credit: Pixabay

According to the 2018 recruitment trends by Core Atlantic, 1 in 4 employees prepare to change their job in the new year. This is clearly a big competition for job applicants. An extremely effective way to get your foot in the hirer’s door is to catch his attention with the personal profile. Here’s how to write one.

What Is Personal Profile For CV?

When scanning your CV the recruiter has to immediately see why he needs to hire you. Personal profile (aka personal statement) is a brief overview of the previous duties and roles, achievements and objectives.

A personal profile for a CV will help the recruiters assess the skills faster, saving them time instead of reading the whole CV and that might give you the edge. It does look like the cover letter. But the professional Curriculum Vitae writers know that it has to be shorter and more precise.

Why Write a Good Personal Profile For CV?

Some conventional companies don’t understand the value of writing a profile for a CV and use traditional ways of headhunting. And yet modern and creative companies often ask the job hunters to send a personal profile. Nowadays, the hiring managers have less time to search for skills and relevant experience on your CV. The personal statement will give them the chance to check the work history and the field knowledge.

Reasons Not To Include a Personal Profile

  • If the job application requires submitting a cover letter, attach one instead of writing a profile for a CV. The cover letter will do the same job advertising your field of expertise, hard and transferable skills.
  • If you have just graduated and only hoping to get the work experience, you won’t be able to write a good personal profile for CV.
  • Remember the CV length requirements. Either layout it smartly to leave space for a summary or left it out to keep the CV short.
  • However, if you look at examples of the personal profile for CV and masterfully unveil your qualifications, another selling pitch for your credentials will only do you good.

How to Write a Personal Profile for CV

Make your personal statement on average of four, but no more than six sentences long. Another way to be short is to keep the summary between 50 and 200 words. Do not forget to include some keywords you would put in the CV.

It’s better to write in the third person rather than in the first. This makes the personal statement more objective and unbiased. If you chose to write about yourself in the first person, remember to keep it coolheaded.

What Information Goes Into The Personal Profile?

Every hiring manager when viewing your CV has to find answers to the main questions: who is applying, how he can contribute the company, what the skills are, and why he is still reading this. Your personal statement should answer all those questions. Otherwise, you are just wasting the paper.

The main point of the personal statement is not to be evidence-free. Whether you’re showing off your top skills or bragging about your biggest achievements, throw in some facts and numbers. This is what recruiters are best impressed and convinced by.

Getting Assistance

It’s not uncommon for the job candidates to look at personal profile examples for CV on the Internet. This is a legitimate way to find out how to write a profile for a CV. But one must be cautious. Often personal profile examples can be flooded with buzzwords and clichés. You must never use those.

Getting Creative

Take advantage of the digital technologies advancement and create an online CV, where you can add a link to your website or a webpage with your projects or workings.

Among the popular examples of the personal profile for CV these days are infographics CVs, visual and creative CVs. You may try out an efficient two-column CV structure and add a personal statement under the photo. This will be a good fit for both experienced professionals and new job seekers.

Some creative CV writers believe that there is no such thing as the resume standard. They have brevity to play with the structure, cutting CV sections, adding new ones, and putting the summary in the most unexpected places and forms. You can find the examples on the milk carton or the candy bar that share the candidate’s main features and the benefits of hiring him.

If you want your CV to really stand out, use the charts, graphs, and images in the CV. Don’t be afraid to play with the variety of fonts and colors to make the CV look as bold, innovative and original as yourself.

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